Carried by the wind, the virus behaves like a dancer. The ghost, as metaphor, who takes control of public space and a whole society. The dancer is a reference to the deadly power of the virus. Painted in the original style of the "day of the dead"; a Mexican holiday where the dead are honoured. For those who lose the battle must be honoured.

The style of the prints refers to the 20’s of the 20th century, when the Spanish Flew took power over Europe. Referring to the early age of photography and the pandemic of that time shows the clear message by the artist how history repeats itself.

Not only has the current pandemic a huge negative and emotional impact; little positive reminders of who we are as people, as cities without massive tourism. The silence in the streets is one to commemorate.

In ‘A Ghost Called Covid’ Noah Valentyn shows again his personal and human approach to his subjects. Showing the empty streets, clearly looking at the modern society with all the adds and texts shown in the pictures.

Don’t we look at ourselves, as human beings, looking at the stranger dancing on the wind in our streets.

Interested in buying the Art, contact Studio DepartFrom.